"Religious and Count-Art" Paintings

Mystery of the Rose
Count Art painting. In 2005 the painting had not been accepted by a jury, which was probably normal as a matter of simplicity.
But its essence is hidden. In the Kabbalah understanding the rose is already existing in the beginning of the universe as flower leafs between the first and the second appearance of the name of God Elohim (Genesis 1), six red and six white leafs each, while the colour of the 13th leaf can not be identified. And the five words between the second and the third mention of Elohim are the five leafs of the flower cup of the rose. The painting shows these words by the figure equivalents as strokes. Additionally the Hebrew name of the rose is "Schoschanah", or Susan in English. And Schoschanah has a figure equivalent of 661, which are painted by 661 violet strokes between the flower leafs. Furthermore the secret of the rose has a meaning as the mystery of tenderness.
Therefore the painted secret of the rose is existing of these Bible words, which translated count more words than told (King James version): (flower leafs) "... created the heavens and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the spirit of ... (flower cups) ... moved upon the face of the waters. And ..." .
A painting like this is a prayer and so it is without a price. Please decide yourself how much you want to spend.